2023-08-13 19:17:34 +03:00

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<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace openvk\Web\Presenters;
use openvk\Web\Models\Exceptions\TooMuchOptionsException;
use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\{Poll, Post, Photo, Video, Club, User};
use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Notifications\{MentionNotification, NewSuggestedPostsNotification, RepostNotification, WallPostNotification};
use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\{Posts, Users, Clubs, Albums, Notes};
use Chandler\Database\DatabaseConnection;
use Nette\InvalidStateException as ISE;
use Bhaktaraz\RSSGenerator\Item;
use Bhaktaraz\RSSGenerator\Feed;
use Bhaktaraz\RSSGenerator\Channel;
final class WallPresenter extends OpenVKPresenter
private $posts;
function __construct(Posts $posts)
$this->posts = $posts;
private function logPostView(Post $post, int $wall): void
$this->logEvent("postView", [
"profile" => $this->user->identity->getId(),
"post" => $post->getId(),
"owner" => abs($wall),
"group" => $wall < 0,
"subscribed" => $wall < 0 ? $post->getOwner()->getSubscriptionStatus($this->user->identity) : false,
private function logPostsViewed(array &$posts, int $wall): void
$x = array_values($posts); # clone array (otherwise Nette DB objects will become kinda gay)
foreach($x as $post)
$this->logPostView($post, $wall);
function renderWall(int $user, bool $embedded = false): void
$owner = ($user < 0 ? (new Clubs) : (new Users))->get(abs($user));
if ($owner->isBanned())
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("forbidden"));
if(is_null($this->user)) {
$canPost = false;
} else if($user > 0) {
$canPost = $owner->getPrivacyPermission("wall.write", $this->user->identity);
} else if($user < 0) {
$canPost = true;
$canPost = $owner->canPost();
} else {
$canPost = false;
if ($embedded == true) $this->template->_template = "components/wall.xml";
$this->template->oObj = $owner;
if($user < 0)
$this->template->club = $owner;
$this->template->owner = $user;
$this->template->canPost = $canPost;
$this->template->count = $this->posts->getPostCountOnUserWall($user);
$this->template->posts = iterator_to_array($this->posts->getPostsFromUsersWall($user, (int) ($_GET["p"] ?? 1)));
$this->template->paginatorConf = (object) [
"count" => $this->template->count,
"page" => (int) ($_GET["p"] ?? 1),
"amount" => sizeof($this->template->posts),
$this->logPostsViewed($this->template->posts, $user);
function renderWallEmbedded(int $user): void
$this->renderWall($user, true);
function renderRSS(int $user): void
$owner = ($user < 0 ? (new Clubs) : (new Users))->get(abs($user));
if(is_null($this->user)) {
$canPost = false;
} else if($user > 0) {
$canPost = $owner->getPrivacyPermission("wall.write", $this->user->identity);
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("forbidden"));
} else if($user < 0) {
$canPost = true;
else if ($owner->isBanned())
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("forbidden"));
$canPost = $owner->canPost();
} else {
$canPost = false;
$posts = iterator_to_array($this->posts->getPostsFromUsersWall($user));
$feed = new Feed();
$channel = new Channel();
$channel->title($owner->getCanonicalName() . "" . OPENVK_ROOT_CONF['openvk']['appearance']['name'])->url(ovk_scheme(true) . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])->appendTo($feed);
foreach($posts as $post) {
$item = new Item();
header("Content-Type: application/rss+xml");
function renderFeed(): void
$id = $this->user->id;
$subs = DatabaseConnection::i()
->where("follower", $id);
$ids = array_map(function($rel) {
return $rel->target * ($rel->model === "openvk\Web\Models\Entities\User" ? 1 : -1);
}, iterator_to_array($subs));
$ids[] = $this->user->id;
$perPage = min((int) ($_GET["posts"] ?? OPENVK_DEFAULT_PER_PAGE), 50);
$posts = DatabaseConnection::i()
->where("wall IN (?)", $ids)
->where("deleted", 0)
->where("suggested", 0)
->order("created DESC");
$this->template->paginatorConf = (object) [
"count" => sizeof($posts),
"page" => (int) ($_GET["p"] ?? 1),
"amount" => sizeof($posts->page((int) ($_GET["p"] ?? 1), $perPage)),
"perPage" => $perPage,
$this->template->posts = [];
foreach($posts->page((int) ($_GET["p"] ?? 1), $perPage) as $post)
$this->template->posts[] = $this->posts->get($post->id);
function renderGlobalFeed(): void
$page = (int) ($_GET["p"] ?? 1);
$pPage = min((int) ($_GET["posts"] ?? OPENVK_DEFAULT_PER_PAGE), 50);
$queryBase = "FROM `posts` LEFT JOIN `groups` ON GREATEST(`posts`.`wall`, 0) = 0 AND `groups`.`id` = ABS(`posts`.`wall`) WHERE (`groups`.`hide_from_global_feed` = 0 OR `groups`.`name` IS NULL) AND `posts`.`deleted` = 0 AND `posts`.`suggested` = 0";
if($this->user->identity->getNsfwTolerance() === User::NSFW_INTOLERANT)
$queryBase .= " AND `nsfw` = 0";
$posts = DatabaseConnection::i()->getConnection()->query("SELECT `posts`.`id` " . $queryBase . " ORDER BY `created` DESC LIMIT " . $pPage . " OFFSET " . ($page - 1) * $pPage);
$count = DatabaseConnection::i()->getConnection()->query("SELECT COUNT(*) " . $queryBase)->fetch()->{"COUNT(*)"};
$this->template->_template = "Wall/Feed.xml";
$this->template->globalFeed = true;
$this->template->paginatorConf = (object) [
"count" => $count,
"page" => (int) ($_GET["p"] ?? 1),
"amount" => sizeof($posts),
"perPage" => $pPage,
foreach($posts as $post)
$this->template->posts[] = $this->posts->get($post->id);
function renderHashtagFeed(string $hashtag): void
$hashtag = rawurldecode($hashtag);
$page = (int) ($_GET["p"] ?? 1);
$posts = $this->posts->getPostsByHashtag($hashtag, $page);
$count = $this->posts->getPostCountByHashtag($hashtag);
$this->template->hashtag = $hashtag;
$this->template->posts = $posts;
$this->template->paginatorConf = (object) [
"count" => 0,
"page" => $page,
"amount" => $count,
function renderMakePost(int $wall): void
$wallOwner = ($wall > 0 ? (new Users)->get($wall) : (new Clubs)->get($wall * -1))
?? $this->flashFail("err", tr("failed_to_publish_post"), tr("error_4"));
if ($wallOwner->isBanned())
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("forbidden"));
if($wall > 0) {
$canPost = $wallOwner->getPrivacyPermission("wall.write", $this->user->identity);
} else if($wall < 0) {
$canPost = true;
$canPost = $wallOwner->canPost();
} else {
$canPost = false;
$this->flashFail("err", tr("not_enough_permissions"), tr("not_enough_permissions_comment"));
if($_FILES["_vid_attachment"] && OPENVK_ROOT_CONF['openvk']['preferences']['videos']['disableUploading'])
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), "Video uploads are disabled by the system administrator.");
$anon = OPENVK_ROOT_CONF["openvk"]["preferences"]["wall"]["anonymousPosting"]["enable"];
if($wallOwner instanceof Club && $this->postParam("as_group") === "on" && $this->postParam("force_sign") !== "on" && $anon) {
$manager = $wallOwner->getManager($this->user->identity);
$anon = $manager->isHidden();
elseif($this->user->identity->getId() === $wallOwner->getOwner()->getId())
$anon = $wallOwner->isOwnerHidden();
} else {
$anon = $anon && $this->postParam("anon") === "on";
$flags = 0;
if($this->postParam("as_group") === "on" && $wallOwner instanceof Club && $wallOwner->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity))
$flags |= 0b10000000;
if($this->postParam("force_sign") === "on")
$flags |= 0b01000000;
try {
$photo = NULL;
$video = NULL;
if($_FILES["_pic_attachment"]["error"] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
$album = NULL;
if(!$anon && $wall > 0 && $wall === $this->user->id)
$album = (new Albums)->getUserWallAlbum($wallOwner);
$photo = Photo::fastMake($this->user->id, $this->postParam("text"), $_FILES["_pic_attachment"], $album, $anon);
if($_FILES["_vid_attachment"]["error"] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK)
$video = Video::fastMake($this->user->id, $_FILES["_vid_attachment"]["name"], $this->postParam("text"), $_FILES["_vid_attachment"], $anon);
} catch(\DomainException $ex) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("failed_to_publish_post"), tr("media_file_corrupted"));
} catch(ISE $ex) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("failed_to_publish_post"), tr("media_file_corrupted_or_too_large"));
try {
$poll = NULL;
$xml = $this->postParam("poll");
if (!is_null($xml) && $xml != "none")
$poll = Poll::import($this->user->identity, $xml);
} catch(TooMuchOptionsException $e) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("failed_to_publish_post"), tr("poll_err_to_much_options"));
} catch(\UnexpectedValueException $e) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("failed_to_publish_post"), "Poll format invalid");
$note = NULL;
if(!is_null($this->postParam("note")) && $this->postParam("note") != "none") {
$note = (new Notes)->get((int)$this->postParam("note"));
if(!$note || $note->isDeleted() || $note->getOwner()->getId() != $this->user->id) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("error_attaching_note"));
if($note->getOwner()->getPrivacySetting("") < 1) {
$this->flashFail("err", " ");
if(empty($this->postParam("text")) && !$photo && !$video && !$poll && !$note)
$this->flashFail("err", tr("failed_to_publish_post"), tr("post_is_empty_or_too_big"));
try {
$post = new Post;
$post->setNsfw($this->postParam("nsfw") === "on");
if($wall < 0 && !$wallOwner->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity) && $wallOwner->getWallType() == 2) {
} catch (\LengthException $ex) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("failed_to_publish_post"), tr("post_is_too_big"));
if($wall > 0 && $wall !== $this->user->identity->getId())
(new WallPostNotification($wallOwner, $post, $this->user->identity))->emit();
$excludeMentions = [$this->user->identity->getId()];
if($wall > 0)
$excludeMentions[] = $wall;
if($wall < 0 && !$wallOwner->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity) && $wallOwner->getWallType() == 2) {
# Чтобы не было упоминаний из предложки
} else {
$mentions = iterator_to_array($post->resolveMentions($excludeMentions));
foreach($mentions as $mentionee)
if($mentionee instanceof User)
(new MentionNotification($mentionee, $post, $post->getOwner(), strip_tags($post->getText())))->emit();
if($wall < 0 && !$wallOwner->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity) && $wallOwner->getWallType() == 2) {
$suggsCount = $this->posts->getSuggestedPostsCount($wallOwner->getId());
# Возможно, это заебёт админов групп, но так они хотя бы про паблик вспомнят
# Мб рандома добавить?
if($suggsCount % 10 == 0) {
$managers = $wallOwner->getManagers();
$owner = $wallOwner->getOwner();
(new NewSuggestedPostsNotification($owner, $wallOwner))->emit();
foreach($managers as $manager) {
(new NewSuggestedPostsNotification($manager->getUser(), $wallOwner))->emit();
} else {
function renderPost(int $wall, int $post_id): void
$post = $this->posts->getPostById($wall, $post_id);
if(!$post || $post->isDeleted())
$this->logPostView($post, $wall);
$this->template->post = $post;
if ($post->getTargetWall() > 0) {
$this->template->wallOwner = (new Users)->get($post->getTargetWall());
$this->template->isWallOfGroup = false;
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("forbidden"));
} else {
$this->template->wallOwner = (new Clubs)->get(abs($post->getTargetWall()));
$this->template->isWallOfGroup = true;
if ($this->template->wallOwner->isBanned())
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("forbidden"));
$this->template->cCount = $post->getCommentsCount();
$this->template->cPage = (int) ($_GET["p"] ?? 1);
$this->template->comments = iterator_to_array($post->getComments($this->template->cPage));
function renderLike(int $wall, int $post_id): void
$post = $this->posts->getPostById($wall, $post_id);
if(!$post || $post->isDeleted()) $this->notFound();
if ($post->getWallOwner()->isBanned())
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("forbidden"));
if(!is_null($this->user)) {
$this->redirect("$_SERVER[HTTP_REFERER]#postGarter=" . $post->getId());
function renderShare(int $wall, int $post_id): void
$post = $this->posts->getPostById($wall, $post_id);
if(!$post || $post->isDeleted())
if ($post->getWallOwner()->isBanned())
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("forbidden"));
$where = $this->postParam("type") ?? "wall";
$groupId = NULL;
$flags = 0;
if($where == "group")
$groupId = $this->postParam("groupId");
if(!is_null($this->user)) {
$nPost = new Post;
if($where == "wall") {
} elseif($where == "group") {
$club = (new Clubs)->get((int)$groupId);
if(!$club || !$club->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity))
if($this->postParam("asGroup") == 1)
$flags |= 0b10000000;
if($this->postParam("signed") == 1)
$flags |= 0b01000000;
$nPost->setWall($groupId * -1);
if($post->getOwner(false)->getId() !== $this->user->identity->getId() && !($post->getOwner() instanceof Club))
(new RepostNotification($post->getOwner(false), $post, $this->user->identity))->emit();
"wall_owner" => $where == "wall" ? $this->user->identity->getId() : $groupId * -1
function renderDelete(int $wall, int $post_id): void
$post = $this->posts->getPostById($wall, $post_id, true);
$user = $this->user->id;
$wallOwner = ($wall > 0 ? (new Users)->get($wall) : (new Clubs)->get($wall * -1))
?? $this->flashFail("err", tr("failed_to_delete_post"), tr("error_4"));
if ($wallOwner->isBanned())
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("forbidden"));
if($wall < 0) $canBeDeletedByOtherUser = $wallOwner->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity);
else $canBeDeletedByOtherUser = false;
if(!is_null($user)) {
if($post->getTargetWall() < 0 && !$post->getWallOwner()->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity) && $post->getWallOwner()->getWallType() != 1 && $post->getSuggestionType() == 0)
$this->flashFail("err", tr("failed_to_delete_post"), tr("error_deleting_suggested"));
if($post->getOwnerPost() == $user || $post->getTargetWall() == $user || $canBeDeletedByOtherUser) {
} else {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("failed_to_delete_post"), tr("login_required_error_comment"));
$this->redirect($wall < 0 ? "/club" . ($wall*-1) : "/id" . $wall);
function renderPin(int $wall, int $post_id): void
$post = $this->posts->getPostById($wall, $post_id);
if ($post->getWallOwner()->isBanned())
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("forbidden"));
$this->flashFail("err", tr("not_enough_permissions"), tr("not_enough_permissions_comment"));
if(($this->queryParam("act") ?? "pin") === "pin") {
} else {
# TODO localize message based on language and ?act=(un)pin
$this->flashFail("succ", tr("information_-1"), tr("changes_saved_comment"));