Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/openvk/openvk synced 2025-03-09 19:19:47 +03:00
lalka2018 63702d44d1 Something related with audios
- Теперь аудиозаписи в wall.get,getById,getComments,getComment выглядит нормально
- Теперь при создании плейлиста можно выбрать до тысячи песен
- По идее, название трека теперь нормально обрезается и раскрывается при наведении
- Добавлена проверка на существование коммента в wall.getComment
- Плейлисты теперь не вылетают, если пользователь не залогинен.
2023-11-13 15:08:18 +03:00

870 lines
37 KiB

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace openvk\VKAPI\Handlers;
use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\User;
use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Notifications\{WallPostNotification, RepostNotification, CommentNotification};
use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Users as UsersRepo;
use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Club;
use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Clubs as ClubsRepo;
use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Post;
use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Posts as PostsRepo;
use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Comment;
use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Comments as CommentsRepo;
use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Photo;
use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Photos as PhotosRepo;
use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Video;
use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Videos as VideosRepo;
use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Note;
use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Notes as NotesRepo;
use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Audios as AudiosRepo;
final class Wall extends VKAPIRequestHandler
function get(int $owner_id, string $domain = "", int $offset = 0, int $count = 30, int $extended = 0): object
$posts = new PostsRepo;
$items = [];
$profiles = [];
$groups = [];
$cnt = $posts->getPostCountOnUserWall($owner_id);
if ($owner_id > 0)
$wallOnwer = (new UsersRepo)->get($owner_id);
$wallOnwer = (new ClubsRepo)->get($owner_id * -1);
if ($owner_id > 0)
if(!$wallOnwer || $wallOnwer->isDeleted())
$this->fail(18, "User was deleted or banned");
$this->fail(15, "Access denied: wall is disabled"); // Don't search for logic here pls
foreach($posts->getPostsFromUsersWall($owner_id, 1, $count, $offset) as $post) {
$from_id = get_class($post->getOwner()) == "openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Club" ? $post->getOwner()->getId() * (-1) : $post->getOwner()->getId();
$attachments = [];
$repost = [];
foreach($post->getChildren() as $attachment) {
if($attachment instanceof \openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Photo) {
$attachments[] = $this->getApiPhoto($attachment);
} else if($attachment instanceof \openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Poll) {
$attachments[] = $this->getApiPoll($attachment, $this->getUser());
} else if ($attachment instanceof \openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Video) {
$attachments[] = $attachment->getApiStructure();
} else if ($attachment instanceof \openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Note) {
$attachments[] = $attachment->toVkApiStruct();
} else if ($attachment instanceof \openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Audio) {
$attachments[] = [
"type" => "audio",
"audio" => $attachment->toVkApiStruct($this->getUser()),
} else if ($attachment instanceof \openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Post) {
$repostAttachments = [];
foreach($attachment->getChildren() as $repostAttachment) {
if($repostAttachment instanceof \openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Photo) {
$repostAttachments[] = $this->getApiPhoto($repostAttachment);
/* Рекурсии, сука! Заказывали? */
if ($attachment->isPostedOnBehalfOfGroup())
$groups[] = $attachment->getOwner()->getId();
$profiles[] = $attachment->getOwner()->getId();
$post_source = [];
if($attachment->getPlatform(true) === NULL) {
$post_source = (object)["type" => "vk"];
} else {
$post_source = (object)[
"type" => "api",
"platform" => $attachment->getPlatform(true)
$repost[] = [
"id" => $attachment->getVirtualId(),
"owner_id" => $attachment->isPostedOnBehalfOfGroup() ? $attachment->getOwner()->getId() * -1 : $attachment->getOwner()->getId(),
"from_id" => $attachment->isPostedOnBehalfOfGroup() ? $attachment->getOwner()->getId() * -1 : $attachment->getOwner()->getId(),
"date" => $attachment->getPublicationTime()->timestamp(),
"post_type" => "post",
"text" => $attachment->getText(false),
"attachments" => $repostAttachments,
"post_source" => $post_source,
$post_source = [];
if($post->getPlatform(true) === NULL) {
$post_source = (object)["type" => "vk"];
} else {
$post_source = (object)[
"type" => "api",
"platform" => $post->getPlatform(true)
$items[] = (object)[
"id" => $post->getVirtualId(),
"from_id" => $from_id,
"owner_id" => $post->getTargetWall(),
"date" => $post->getPublicationTime()->timestamp(),
"post_type" => "post",
"text" => $post->getText(false),
"copy_history" => $repost,
"can_edit" => 0, # TODO
"can_delete" => $post->canBeDeletedBy($this->getUser()),
"can_pin" => $post->canBePinnedBy($this->getUser()),
"can_archive" => false, # TODO MAYBE
"is_archived" => false,
"is_pinned" => $post->isPinned(),
"is_explicit" => $post->isExplicit(),
"attachments" => $attachments,
"post_source" => $post_source,
"comments" => (object)[
"count" => $post->getCommentsCount(),
"can_post" => 1
"likes" => (object)[
"count" => $post->getLikesCount(),
"user_likes" => (int) $post->hasLikeFrom($this->getUser()),
"can_like" => 1,
"can_publish" => 1,
"reposts" => (object)[
"count" => $post->getRepostCount(),
"user_reposted" => 0
if ($from_id > 0)
$profiles[] = $from_id;
$groups[] = $from_id * -1;
$attachments = NULL; # free attachments so it will not clone everythingg
if($extended == 1) {
$profiles = array_unique($profiles);
$groups = array_unique($groups);
$profilesFormatted = [];
$groupsFormatted = [];
foreach($profiles as $prof) {
$user = (new UsersRepo)->get($prof);
$profilesFormatted[] = (object)[
"first_name" => $user->getFirstName(),
"id" => $user->getId(),
"last_name" => $user->getLastName(),
"can_access_closed" => false,
"is_closed" => false,
"sex" => $user->isFemale() ? 1 : 2,
"screen_name" => $user->getShortCode(),
"photo_50" => $user->getAvatarUrl(),
"photo_100" => $user->getAvatarUrl(),
"online" => $user->isOnline(),
"verified" => $user->isVerified()
foreach($groups as $g) {
$group = (new ClubsRepo)->get($g);
$groupsFormatted[] = (object)[
"id" => $group->getId(),
"name" => $group->getName(),
"screen_name" => $group->getShortCode(),
"is_closed" => 0,
"type" => "group",
"photo_50" => $group->getAvatarUrl(),
"photo_100" => $group->getAvatarUrl(),
"photo_200" => $group->getAvatarUrl(),
"verified" => $group->isVerified()
return (object) [
"count" => $cnt,
"items" => $items,
"profiles" => $profilesFormatted,
"groups" => $groupsFormatted
} else
return (object) [
"count" => $cnt,
"items" => $items
function getById(string $posts, int $extended = 0, string $fields = "", User $user = NULL)
if($user == NULL) {
$user = $this->getUser(); # костыли костыли крылышки
$items = [];
$profiles = [];
$groups = [];
$psts = explode(',', $posts);
foreach($psts as $pst) {
$id = explode("_", $pst);
$post = (new PostsRepo)->getPostById(intval($id[0]), intval($id[1]));
if($post && !$post->isDeleted()) {
$from_id = get_class($post->getOwner()) == "openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Club" ? $post->getOwner()->getId() * (-1) : $post->getOwner()->getId();
$attachments = [];
$repost = []; // чел высрал семь сигарет 😳 помянем 🕯
foreach($post->getChildren() as $attachment) {
if($attachment instanceof \openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Photo) {
$attachments[] = $this->getApiPhoto($attachment);
} else if($attachment instanceof \openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Poll) {
$attachments[] = $this->getApiPoll($attachment, $user);
} else if ($attachment instanceof \openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Video) {
$attachments[] = $attachment->getApiStructure();
} else if ($attachment instanceof \openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Note) {
$attachments[] = $attachment->toVkApiStruct();
} else if ($attachment instanceof \openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Audio) {
$attachments[] = [
"type" => "audio",
"audio" => $attachment->toVkApiStruct($this->getUser())
} else if ($attachment instanceof \openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Post) {
$repostAttachments = [];
foreach($attachment->getChildren() as $repostAttachment) {
if($repostAttachment instanceof \openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Photo) {
$repostAttachments[] = $this->getApiPhoto($repostAttachment);
/* Рекурсии, сука! Заказывали? */
if ($attachment->isPostedOnBehalfOfGroup())
$groups[] = $attachment->getOwner()->getId();
$profiles[] = $attachment->getOwner()->getId();
$post_source = [];
if($attachment->getPlatform(true) === NULL) {
$post_source = (object)["type" => "vk"];
} else {
$post_source = (object)[
"type" => "api",
"platform" => $attachment->getPlatform(true)
$repost[] = [
"id" => $attachment->getVirtualId(),
"owner_id" => $attachment->isPostedOnBehalfOfGroup() ? $attachment->getOwner()->getId() * -1 : $attachment->getOwner()->getId(),
"from_id" => $attachment->isPostedOnBehalfOfGroup() ? $attachment->getOwner()->getId() * -1 : $attachment->getOwner()->getId(),
"date" => $attachment->getPublicationTime()->timestamp(),
"post_type" => "post",
"text" => $attachment->getText(false),
"attachments" => $repostAttachments,
"post_source" => $post_source,
$post_source = [];
if($post->getPlatform(true) === NULL) {
$post_source = (object)["type" => "vk"];
} else {
$post_source = (object)[
"type" => "api",
"platform" => $post->getPlatform(true)
$items[] = (object)[
"id" => $post->getVirtualId(),
"from_id" => $from_id,
"owner_id" => $post->getTargetWall(),
"date" => $post->getPublicationTime()->timestamp(),
"post_type" => "post",
"text" => $post->getText(false),
"copy_history" => $repost,
"can_edit" => 0, # TODO
"can_delete" => $post->canBeDeletedBy($user),
"can_pin" => $post->canBePinnedBy($user),
"can_archive" => false, # TODO MAYBE
"is_archived" => false,
"is_pinned" => $post->isPinned(),
"is_explicit" => $post->isExplicit(),
"post_source" => $post_source,
"attachments" => $attachments,
"comments" => (object)[
"count" => $post->getCommentsCount(),
"can_post" => 1
"likes" => (object)[
"count" => $post->getLikesCount(),
"user_likes" => (int) $post->hasLikeFrom($user),
"can_like" => 1,
"can_publish" => 1,
"reposts" => (object)[
"count" => $post->getRepostCount(),
"user_reposted" => 0
if ($from_id > 0)
$profiles[] = $from_id;
$groups[] = $from_id * -1;
$attachments = NULL; # free attachments so it will not clone everything
$repost = NULL; # same
if($extended == 1) {
$profiles = array_unique($profiles);
$groups = array_unique($groups);
$profilesFormatted = [];
$groupsFormatted = [];
foreach($profiles as $prof) {
$user = (new UsersRepo)->get($prof);
$profilesFormatted[] = (object)[
"first_name" => $user->getFirstName(),
"id" => $user->getId(),
"last_name" => $user->getLastName(),
"can_access_closed" => false,
"is_closed" => false,
"sex" => $user->isFemale() ? 1 : 2,
"screen_name" => $user->getShortCode(),
"photo_50" => $user->getAvatarUrl(),
"photo_100" => $user->getAvatarUrl(),
"online" => $user->isOnline(),
"verified" => $user->isVerified()
foreach($groups as $g) {
$group = (new ClubsRepo)->get($g);
$groupsFormatted[] = (object)[
"id" => $group->getId(),
"name" => $group->getName(),
"screen_name" => $group->getShortCode(),
"is_closed" => 0,
"type" => "group",
"photo_50" => $group->getAvatarUrl(),
"photo_100" => $group->getAvatarUrl(),
"photo_200" => $group->getAvatarUrl(),
"verified" => $group->isVerified()
return (object) [
"items" => (array)$items,
"profiles" => (array)$profilesFormatted,
"groups" => (array)$groupsFormatted
} else
return (object) [
"items" => (array)$items
function post(string $owner_id, string $message = "", int $from_group = 0, int $signed = 0, string $attachments = ""): object
$owner_id = intval($owner_id);
$wallOwner = ($owner_id > 0 ? (new UsersRepo)->get($owner_id) : (new ClubsRepo)->get($owner_id * -1))
?? $this->fail(18, "User was deleted or banned");
if($owner_id > 0)
$canPost = $wallOwner->getPrivacyPermission("wall.write", $this->getUser());
else if($owner_id < 0)
$canPost = true;
$canPost = $wallOwner->canPost();
$canPost = false;
if($canPost == false) $this->fail(15, "Access denied");
$anon = OPENVK_ROOT_CONF["openvk"]["preferences"]["wall"]["anonymousPosting"]["enable"];
if($wallOwner instanceof Club && $from_group == 1 && $signed != 1 && $anon) {
$manager = $wallOwner->getManager($this->getUser());
$anon = $manager->isHidden();
elseif($this->getUser()->getId() === $wallOwner->getOwner()->getId())
$anon = $wallOwner->isOwnerHidden();
} else {
$anon = false;
$flags = 0;
if($from_group == 1 && $wallOwner instanceof Club && $wallOwner->canBeModifiedBy($this->getUser()))
$flags |= 0b10000000;
if($signed == 1)
$flags |= 0b01000000;
if(empty($message) && empty($attachments))
$this->fail(100, "Required parameter 'message' missing.");
try {
$post = new Post;
} catch(\LogicException $ex) {
$this->fail(100, "One of the parameters specified was missing or invalid");
if(!empty($attachments)) {
$attachmentsArr = explode(",", $attachments);
# Аттачи такого вида: [тип][id владельца]_[id вложения]
# Пример: photo1_1
if(sizeof($attachmentsArr) > 10)
$this->fail(50, "Error: too many attachments");
foreach($attachmentsArr as $attac) {
$attachmentType = NULL;
if(str_contains($attac, "photo"))
$attachmentType = "photo";
elseif(str_contains($attac, "video"))
$attachmentType = "video";
elseif(str_contains($attac, "note"))
$attachmentType = "note";
elseif(str_contains($attac, "audio"))
$attachmentType = "audio";
$this->fail(205, "Unknown attachment type");
$attachment = str_replace($attachmentType, "", $attac);
$attachmentOwner = (int)explode("_", $attachment)[0];
$attachmentId = (int)end(explode("_", $attachment));
$attacc = NULL;
if($attachmentType == "photo") {
$attacc = (new PhotosRepo)->getByOwnerAndVID($attachmentOwner, $attachmentId);
if(!$attacc || $attacc->isDeleted())
$this->fail(100, "Invalid photo");
if(!$attacc->getOwner()->getPrivacyPermission('photos.read', $this->getUser()))
$this->fail(43, "Access to photo denied");
} elseif($attachmentType == "video") {
$attacc = (new VideosRepo)->getByOwnerAndVID($attachmentOwner, $attachmentId);
if(!$attacc || $attacc->isDeleted())
$this->fail(100, "Video does not exists");
if(!$attacc->getOwner()->getPrivacyPermission('videos.read', $this->getUser()))
$this->fail(43, "Access to video denied");
} elseif($attachmentType == "note") {
$attacc = (new NotesRepo)->getNoteById($attachmentOwner, $attachmentId);
if(!$attacc || $attacc->isDeleted())
$this->fail(100, "Note does not exist");
if(!$attacc->getOwner()->getPrivacyPermission('notes.read', $this->getUser()))
$this->fail(11, "Access to note denied");
} elseif($attachmentType == "audio") {
$attacc = (new AudiosRepo)->getByOwnerAndVID($attachmentOwner, $attachmentId);
if(!$attacc || $attacc->isDeleted())
$this->fail(100, "Audio does not exist");
if($wall > 0 && $wall !== $this->user->identity->getId())
(new WallPostNotification($wallOwner, $post, $this->user->identity))->emit();
return (object)["post_id" => $post->getVirtualId()];
function repost(string $object, string $message = "", int $group_id = 0) {
if(preg_match('/wall((?:-?)[0-9]+)_([0-9]+)/', $object, $postArray) == 0)
$this->fail(100, "One of the parameters specified was missing or invalid: object is incorrect");
$post = (new PostsRepo)->getPostById((int) $postArray[1], (int) $postArray[2]);
if(!$post || $post->isDeleted()) $this->fail(100, "One of the parameters specified was missing or invalid");
$nPost = new Post;
if($group_id > 0) {
$club = (new ClubsRepo)->get($group_id);
$this->fail(42, "Invalid group");
$this->fail(16, "Access to group denied");
$nPost->setWall($group_id * -1);
} else {
if($post->getOwner(false)->getId() !== $this->user->getId() && !($post->getOwner() instanceof Club))
(new RepostNotification($post->getOwner(false), $post, $this->user))->emit();
return (object) [
"success" => 1, // 👍
"post_id" => $nPost->getVirtualId(),
"reposts_count" => $post->getRepostCount(),
"likes_count" => $post->getLikesCount()
function getComments(int $owner_id, int $post_id, bool $need_likes = true, int $offset = 0, int $count = 10, string $fields = "sex,screen_name,photo_50,photo_100,online_info,online", string $sort = "asc", bool $extended = false) {
$post = (new PostsRepo)->getPostById($owner_id, $post_id);
if(!$post || $post->isDeleted()) $this->fail(100, "One of the parameters specified was missing or invalid");
$comments = (new CommentsRepo)->getCommentsByTarget($post, $offset+1, $count, $sort == "desc" ? "DESC" : "ASC");
$items = [];
$profiles = [];
foreach($comments as $comment) {
$owner = $comment->getOwner();
$oid = $owner->getId();
if($owner instanceof Club)
$oid *= -1;
$attachments = [];
foreach($comment->getChildren() as $attachment) {
if($attachment instanceof \openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Photo) {
$attachments[] = $this->getApiPhoto($attachment);
} elseif($attachment instanceof \openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Note) {
$attachments[] = $attachment->toVkApiStruct();
} elseif($attachment instanceof \openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Audio) {
$attachments[] = [
"type" => "audio",
"audio" => $attachment->toVkApiStruct($this->getUser()),
$item = [
"id" => $comment->getId(),
"from_id" => $oid,
"date" => $comment->getPublicationTime()->timestamp(),
"text" => $comment->getText(false),
"post_id" => $post->getVirtualId(),
"owner_id" => $post->isPostedOnBehalfOfGroup() ? $post->getOwner()->getId() * -1 : $post->getOwner()->getId(),
"parents_stack" => [],
"attachments" => $attachments,
"thread" => [
"count" => 0,
"items" => [],
"can_post" => false,
"show_reply_button" => true,
"groups_can_post" => false,
if($need_likes == true)
$item['likes'] = [
"can_like" => 1,
"count" => $comment->getLikesCount(),
"user_likes" => (int) $comment->hasLikeFrom($this->getUser()),
"can_publish" => 1
$items[] = $item;
if($extended == true)
$profiles[] = $comment->getOwner()->getId();
$attachments = null;
// Reset $attachments to not duplicate prikols
$response = [
"count" => (new CommentsRepo)->getCommentsCountByTarget($post),
"items" => $items,
"current_level_count" => (new CommentsRepo)->getCommentsCountByTarget($post),
"can_post" => true,
"show_reply_button" => true,
"groups_can_post" => false
if($extended == true) {
$profiles = array_unique($profiles);
$response['profiles'] = (!empty($profiles) ? (new Users)->get(implode(',', $profiles), $fields) : []);
return (object) $response;
function getComment(int $owner_id, int $comment_id, bool $extended = false, string $fields = "sex,screen_name,photo_50,photo_100,online_info,online") {
$comment = (new CommentsRepo)->get($comment_id); # один хуй айди всех комментов общий
if(!$comment || $comment->isDeleted())
$this->fail(100, "Invalid comment");
$profiles = [];
$attachments = [];
foreach($comment->getChildren() as $attachment) {
if($attachment instanceof \openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Photo) {
$attachments[] = $this->getApiPhoto($attachment);
} elseif($attachment instanceof \openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Audio) {
$attachments[] = [
"type" => "audio",
"audio" => $attachment->toVkApiStruct($this->getUser()),
$item = [
"id" => $comment->getId(),
"from_id" => $comment->getOwner()->getId(),
"date" => $comment->getPublicationTime()->timestamp(),
"text" => $comment->getText(false),
"post_id" => $comment->getTarget()->getVirtualId(),
"owner_id" => $comment->getTarget()->isPostedOnBehalfOfGroup() ? $comment->getTarget()->getOwner()->getId() * -1 : $comment->getTarget()->getOwner()->getId(),
"parents_stack" => [],
"attachments" => $attachments,
"likes" => [
"can_like" => 1,
"count" => $comment->getLikesCount(),
"user_likes" => (int) $comment->hasLikeFrom($this->getUser()),
"can_publish" => 1
"thread" => [
"count" => 0,
"items" => [],
"can_post" => false,
"show_reply_button" => true,
"groups_can_post" => false,
if($extended == true)
$profiles[] = $comment->getOwner()->getId();
$response = [
"items" => [$item],
"can_post" => true,
"show_reply_button" => true,
"groups_can_post" => false
if($extended == true) {
$profiles = array_unique($profiles);
$response['profiles'] = (!empty($profiles) ? (new Users)->get(implode(',', $profiles), $fields) : []);
return $response;
function createComment(int $owner_id, int $post_id, string $message = "", int $from_group = 0, string $attachments = "") {
$post = (new PostsRepo)->getPostById($owner_id, $post_id);
if(!$post || $post->isDeleted()) $this->fail(100, "Invalid post");
if($post->getTargetWall() < 0)
$club = (new ClubsRepo)->get(abs($post->getTargetWall()));
if(empty($message) && empty($attachments)) {
$this->fail(100, "Required parameter 'message' missing.");
$flags = 0;
if($from_group != 0 && !is_null($club) && $club->canBeModifiedBy($this->user))
$flags |= 0b10000000;
try {
$comment = new Comment;
} catch (\LengthException $ex) {
$this->fail(1, "ошибка про то что коммент большой слишком");
if(!empty($attachments)) {
$attachmentsArr = explode(",", $attachments);
if(sizeof($attachmentsArr) > 10)
$this->fail(50, "Error: too many attachments");
foreach($attachmentsArr as $attac) {
$attachmentType = NULL;
if(str_contains($attac, "photo"))
$attachmentType = "photo";
elseif(str_contains($attac, "video"))
$attachmentType = "video";
elseif(str_contains($attac, "audio"))
$attachmentType = "audio";
$this->fail(205, "Unknown attachment type");
$attachment = str_replace($attachmentType, "", $attac);
$attachmentOwner = (int)explode("_", $attachment)[0];
$attachmentId = (int)end(explode("_", $attachment));
$attacc = NULL;
if($attachmentType == "photo") {
$attacc = (new PhotosRepo)->getByOwnerAndVID($attachmentOwner, $attachmentId);
if(!$attacc || $attacc->isDeleted())
$this->fail(100, "Photo does not exists");
if(!$attacc->getOwner()->getPrivacyPermission('photos.read', $this->getUser()))
$this->fail(11, "Access to photo denied");
} elseif($attachmentType == "video") {
$attacc = (new VideosRepo)->getByOwnerAndVID($attachmentOwner, $attachmentId);
if(!$attacc || $attacc->isDeleted())
$this->fail(100, "Video does not exists");
if(!$attacc->getOwner()->getPrivacyPermission('videos.read', $this->getUser()))
$this->fail(11, "Access to video denied");
} elseif($attachmentType == "audio") {
$attacc = (new AudiosRepo)->getByOwnerAndVID($attachmentOwner, $attachmentId);
if(!$attacc || $attacc->isDeleted())
$this->fail(100, "Audio does not exist");
if($post->getOwner()->getId() !== $this->user->getId())
if(($owner = $post->getOwner()) instanceof User)
(new CommentNotification($owner, $comment, $post, $this->user))->emit();
return (object) [
"comment_id" => $comment->getId(),
"parents_stack" => []
function deleteComment(int $comment_id) {
$comment = (new CommentsRepo)->get($comment_id);
if(!$comment) $this->fail(100, "One of the parameters specified was missing or invalid");;
$this->fail(7, "Access denied");
return 1;
private function getApiPhoto($attachment) {
return [
"type" => "photo",
"photo" => [
"album_id" => $attachment->getAlbum() ? $attachment->getAlbum()->getId() : 0,
"date" => $attachment->getPublicationTime()->timestamp(),
"id" => $attachment->getVirtualId(),
"owner_id" => $attachment->getOwner()->getId(),
"sizes" => !is_null($attachment->getVkApiSizes()) ? array_values($attachment->getVkApiSizes()) : NULL,
"text" => "",
"has_tags" => false
private function getApiPoll($attachment, $user) {
$answers = array();
foreach($attachment->getResults()->options as $answer) {
$answers[] = (object)[
"id" => $answer->id,
"rate" => $answer->pct,
"text" => $answer->name,
"votes" => $answer->votes
$userVote = array();
foreach($attachment->getUserVote($user) as $vote)
$userVote[] = $vote[0];
return [
"type" => "poll",
"poll" => [
"multiple" => $attachment->isMultipleChoice(),
"end_date" => $attachment->endsAt() == NULL ? 0 : $attachment->endsAt()->timestamp(),
"closed" => $attachment->hasEnded(),
"is_board" => false,
"can_edit" => false,
"can_vote" => $attachment->canVote($user),
"can_report" => false,
"can_share" => true,
"created" => 0,
"id" => $attachment->getId(),
"owner_id" => $attachment->getOwner()->getId(),
"question" => $attachment->getTitle(),
"votes" => $attachment->getVoterCount(),
"disable_unvote" => $attachment->isRevotable(),
"anonymous" => $attachment->isAnonymous(),
"answer_ids" => $userVote,
"answers" => $answers,
"author_id" => $attachment->getOwner()->getId(),