"referral_link_invalid" = "The referral link is invalid.";
"registration_disabled" = "Registration has been disabled by the system administrator.";
"user_already_exists" = "A user with this email already exists.";
"access_recovery" = "Access recovery";
"page_access_recovery" = "Restore access to the page";
"access_recovery_info" = "Forgot your password? Don't worry, enter your details and we'll send you an email with instructions on how to recover your account.";
"access_recovery_info_2" = "Enter your new password. All current sessions will be suspended and access tokens will be revoked.";
"reset_password" = "Reset the password";
"2fa_code_2" = "Two-factor authentication code";
"password_successfully_reset" = "Your password has been successfully reset.";
"password_reset_email_sent" = "If you are registered, you will receive instructions by email.";
"password_reset_error" = "An unexpected error occurred while resetting the password.";
"password_reset_rate_limit_error" = "You can't do it that often, sorry.";
"registration_disabled_info" = "Registration has been disabled by the system administrator. If possible, ask for an invitation from your friend, if he is registered on this site.";
"registration_closed" = "Registration is closed.";
"invites_you_to" = "<strong>$1</strong> invites you to $2";
"register_meta_desc" = "Register in $1 now!";
"register_referer_meta_title" = "$1 invites you to $2!";
"register_referer_meta_desc" = "Join $1 and many other users at $2!";
"group_changeowner_modal_text" = "Attention! You are transferring owner rights to user $1. This action is irreversible. After the transfer, you will remain an administrator, but you can easily stop being one.";
"group_owner_setted" = "The new owner ($1) has been successfully assigned to the community $2. You have been granted administrator rights in the community. If you want to return the owner role, contact <a href='/support?act=new'>site technical support</a>.";
"error_attaching_note" = "Error when attaching note";
"select_or_create_new" = "Select existing note or <a href='/notes/create'>create new one</a>";
"notes_closed" = "You can't attach note to post, because only you can see them.<br> You can change it in <a href=\"/settings?act=privacy\">settings</a>.";
"profile_deactivate_header" = "We are sorry that you want to delete your page. Therefore, you can specify the reason for deletion and your message about it. We read your feedback and try to make the site better!";
"profile_deactivate_reason_header" = "Please select a reason why you are leaving";
"profile_deactivate_reason_1" = "I have another profile and don't need this one";
"profile_deactivate_reason_1_text" = "I created a new page and now I want to wipe my past.";
"profile_deactivate_reason_2" = "Website takes away too much of my time";
"profile_deactivate_reason_2_text" = "Even though this site is nice and beautiful, it takes away my time that I need for work and life.";
"profile_deactivate_reason_3" = "Website harbors too much inappropriate content";
"profile_deactivate_reason_3_text" = "I have found enough porn and pirated content to last me a lifetime, I'm leaving now.";
"profile_deactivate_reason_4" = "I am worried about the safety of my data";
"profile_deactivate_reason_4_text" = "I'm being watched and I'm scared to be here. I'm sorry, I have to leave.";
"profile_deactivate_reason_5" = "No one comments on my posts";
"profile_deactivate_reason_5_text" = "No one watches me here and it's sad. You will regret that I left.";
"profile_deactivate_reason_6" = "Other reason";
"profile_deactivated_msg" = "Your account has been <b>deleted</b>.<br/><br/>If you would like to start using the site again, you can <a href='/settings/reactivate'>restore your account</a> until $1.";
"profile_deactivated_status" = "Account deleted";
"profile_deactivated_info" = "The account has been deleted.<br/>The information is not available.";
"backdrop_desc" = "You can set two pictures as your profile or group backdrop. They will be displayed on left and right edges of page. With this feature, you can add more personality to your profile.";
"backdrop_warn" = "The images will be arranged as in the layout above. Their height will be automatically increased so that they occupy 100% of the screen height, there will be a blur in the middle. It is not possible to replace the background of the main OpenVK interface or add audio.";
"backdrop_about_adding" = "You can upload only one picture, although depending on design, the ending result may look ugly. You can also change only one pic: if you already have two images set up and you want to change one - upload only one, the other won't be removed. To remove both images press the button below, you can't remove pictures individually.";
"two_factor_authentication_disabled" = "Provides reliable protection against hacking: to enter the page, you must enter the code obtained in the 2FA application.";
"two_factor_authentication_enabled" = "Two-factor authentication is enabled. Your page is protected.";
"two_factor_authentication_login" = "You have two-factor authentication enabled. To login, enter the code received in the application.";
"two_factor_authentication_settings_1" = "Two-factor authentication via TOTP can be used even without internet. To do this, you need a code generation app. For example, <b>Google Authenticator</b> for Android and iOS or <b>FOSS Aegis and andOTP</b> for Android. Make sure the date and time is set correctly on your phone.";
"two_factor_authentication_settings_2" = "Using the app for two-factor authentication, scan the QR code below:";
"two_factor_authentication_settings_3" = "or manually enter the given secret key: <b>$1</b>.";
"two_factor_authentication_settings_4" = "Now enter the code that the application gave you and the password for your page so that we can confirm that you really are.";
"two_factor_authentication_enabled_message_description" = "Your page has become more difficult to hack. We recommend that you download <a href='javascript:viewBackupCodes()'>backup codes</a>";
"backup_codes" = "Backup codes for login confirmation";
"two_factor_authentication_backup_codes_1" = "Backup codes allow you to validate your login when you don't have access to your phone, for example, while traveling.";
"two_factor_authentication_backup_codes_2" = "You have <b>10 more codes</b>, each code can only be used once. Print them out, put them away in a safe place and use them when you need codes to validate your login.";
"two_factor_authentication_backup_codes_3" = "You can get new codes if they run out. Only the last created backup codes are valid.";
"voucher_explanation" = "Enter the voucher serial number. It is usually listed on the receipt or in the message.";
"voucher_explanation_ex" = "Note that vouchers can expire and can only be used once.";
"invalid_voucher" = "Voucher is invalid";
"voucher_bad" = "You may have entered the wrong serial number, already used voucher, or the voucher has simply expired.";
"voucher_good" = "Voucher activated";
"voucher_redeemed" = "The voucher has been successfully activated. You will receive points, but you will no longer be able to activate it with this code.";
"transfer_ton_contents" = "You can top up your balance with TON cryptocurrency. It's just enough to scan the QR-code with the Tonkeeper app, or manually send TON according to the requisites. Within a few minutes you will receive a certain amount of votes.";
"banned_in_support_1" = "Sorry, <b>$1</b>, but now you can't create tickets.";
"banned_in_support_2" = "And the reason for this is simple: <b>$1</b>. Unfortunately, this time we had to take away this opportunity from you forever.";
"banned_3" = "You can still <a href=\"/support?act=new\">write to the support</a> if you think there was an error or <a href=\"/logout?hash=$1\">logout</a>.";
"admin_club_excludeglobalfeed" = "Do not display posts in the global feed";
"admin_services" = "Paid services";
"admin_newgift" = "New gift";
"admin_price" = "Price";
"admin_giftset" = "Gift set";
"admin_giftsets" = "Gift sets";
"admin_giftsets_none" = "There are no gift sets. Create a set to create a gift.";
"admin_giftsets_create" = "Create a gift set";
"admin_giftsets_title" = "The internal name of the set, which will be used if no name can be found in the user's language.";
"admin_giftsets_description" = "The internal description of the set, which will be used if no name can be found in the user's language.";
"admin_price_free" = "free";
"admin_voucher_rating" = "Rating";
"admin_voucher_serial" = "Serial number";
"admin_voucher_serial_desc" = "The number consists of 24 characters. If the format is incorrect or the field is not filled in, it will be assigned automatically.";
"admin_banned_link_regexp_description" = "It is substituted after the domain specified above. Don't fill it out if you want to block the entire domain";
"admin_banned_link_reason" = "Reason";
"admin_banned_link_initiator" = "Initiator";
"admin_banned_link_not_specified" = "The link is not specified";
"cookies_popup_content" = "All kids love cookie, so this website uses Cookies to identify your session and nothing more. Check <a href='/privacy'>our privacy policy</a> for more information.";
"url_is_banned_comment" = "The <b>$1</b> administration recommends not to follow this link.";
"url_is_banned_comment_r" = "The <b>$1</b> administration recommends not to follow this link.<br><br>The reason is: <b>$2</b>";
"url_is_banned_default_reason" = "The link you are trying to open may lead you to a site that was created for the purpose of deceiving users with the intention of gaining profit.";
"url_is_banned_title" = "Link to a suspicious site";
"section_maintenance" = "The section is not available";
"undergoing_global_maintenance" = "Unfortunately, the instance is now closed for technical work. We are already working on troubleshooting. Please try to come back later.";
"undergoing_section_maintenance" = "Unfortunately, the <b>$1</b> section is temporarily unavailable. We are already working on troubleshooting. Please try to come back later.";
"tour_promo" = "About what awaits you after registration";
"reg_text" = "<a href='/reg'>Registering</a> an account is absolutely free and takes no more than two minutes";
"ifnotlike_text" = "You can always delete your account";
"tour_next" = "Next →";
"tour_reg" = "Registration →";
"tour_section_1" = "Start";
"tour_section_2" = "Profile";
"tour_section_3" = "Photos";
"tour_section_4" = "Search";
"tour_section_5" = "Videos";
"tour_section_6" = "Audios";
"tour_section_7" = "Local news feed";
"tour_section_8" = "Global news feed";
"tour_section_9" = "Groups";
"tour_section_10" = "Events";
"tour_section_11" = "Themes";
"tour_section_12" = "Customization";
"tour_section_13" = "Promocodes";
"tour_section_14" = "Mobile version";
"tour_section_1_title_1" = "Where to start?";
"tour_section_1_text_1" = "Registering an account is the very first and most basic step in beginning your journey on this site.";
"tour_section_1_text_2" = "To register you will need to enter your name, E-mail and password.";
"tour_section_1_text_3" = "<b>Remember:</b> Your E-mail will be used as your login to the site. You also have the full right not to specify your last name when signing up. In case you lost your password to enter the site, use the <a href='/restore'>recovery page</a>";
"tour_section_2_text_1_1" = "After registering, you will automatically be redirected to <b>your</b> profile.";
"tour_section_2_text_1_2" = "You can edit it anywhere and anytime you want.";
"tour_section_2_text_1_3" = "<b>Hint:</b> To make your profile look nice and presentable, you can fill it with information or upload a photo that highlights, for example, your deep inner world.";
"tour_section_2_bottom_text_1" = "You are the one who decides how much information your friends need to know about you.";
"tour_section_2_text_3_1" = "After registering your page, you get a personal ID like <b>@id12345</b>";
"tour_section_2_text_3_2" = "The <b>default ID</b>, which was obtained after registration, <b>cannot be changed</b>";
"tour_section_2_text_3_3" = "But in the settings of your page you can bind your personal address and this address <b>can be changed</b> at any time";
"tour_section_2_text_3_4" = "<b>Hint:</b> You can take any address that is at least 5 characters long. Try to get a cool URL :)";
"tour_section_2_bottom_text_2" = "<i>Any short address in Latin small letters is supported; the address may contain numbers (not at the beginning), periods, and underscores (not at the beginning or end)</i>";
"tour_section_2_title_4" = "Wall";
"tour_section_3_title_1" = "Share your photo moments";
"tour_section_3_text_1" = "The "Photos" section is available in your profile as soon as you sign up";
"tour_section_3_text_2" = "You can browse user photo albums and create your own";
"tour_section_3_text_3" = "Access to all your photo albums for other users is controlled in the page privacy settings";
"tour_section_3_bottom_text_1" = "You can create an unlimited number of photo albums from your travels or events, or just to store memes";
"tour_section_4_text_3" = "To start a search, you need to know the user's first (or last) name; and if you're looking for a group, you need to know its name.";
"tour_section_4_title_2" = "Quick Search";
"tour_section_4_text_4" = "If you want to save time in any way, the search bar is also available in the header of the site";
"tour_section_5_title_1" = "Upload and share videos with your friends!";
"tour_section_5_text_1" = "You can upload an unlimited number of videos and clips";
"tour_section_5_text_2" = "The "Videos" section is controlled by the privacy settings";
"tour_section_5_bottom_text_1" = "Videos can be uploaded bypassing the "Videos" section by simply attaching them to a new entry on the wall:";
"tour_section_5_title_2" = "Importing videos from YouTube";
"tour_section_5_text_3" = "In addition to uploading videos directly, the site also supports embedding videos from YouTube";
"tour_section_6_title_1" = "Audios section, which doesn't exist yet xdddd";
"tour_section_6_text_1" = "I would love to do a tutorial on this section, but sunshine Vriska didn't make the music :c";
"tour_section_7_title_1" = "Follow what your friends write";
"tour_section_7_text_1" = "The "My News" section is divided into two types: local feed and global feed";
"tour_section_7_text_2" = "The local feed will only show news from your friends and groups";
"tour_section_7_bottom_text_1" = "No recommendation system. <b>It's up to you to create your own news feed</b>";
"tour_section_8_title_1" = "Follow what topics are discussed on the site";
"tour_section_8_text_1" = "The global newsfeed will show entries of all site users and groups";
"tour_section_8_text_2" = "Viewing this section may not be recommended for sensitive or fragile people";
"tour_section_8_bottom_text_1" = "The design of the global feed does not differ in any way from the local feed";
"tour_section_8_bottom_text_2" = "The feed has many types of content, from regular photos and videos to anonymous posts and polls";
"tour_section_9_title_1" = "Create groups!";
"tour_section_9_text_1" = "The site already has thousands of groups devoted to various topics and fan associations";
"tour_section_9_text_2" = "You can join any group you want. And if you haven't found a matching one, you can create your own";
"tour_section_9_text_3" = "Each group has its own section of wiki pages, photo albums, block of links and discussions";
"tour_section_9_title_2" = "Manage your group with a friend";
"tour_section_9_text_2_1" = "Manage the group in the "Edit Group" section under the community avatar";
"tour_section_9_text_2_2" = "Create a team of administrators from the usual participants or those whom you trust";
"tour_section_9_text_2_3" = "You can hide the administrator you want, so he will not appear anywhere within your group";
"tour_section_9_bottom_text_1" = "The "My Groups" section is on the left menu of the site";
"tour_section_9_bottom_text_2" = "Group example";
"tour_section_9_bottom_text_3" = "Groups are often real organizations whose members want to stay in touch with their audiences";
"tour_section_10_text_1" = "I would be very happy to do a tutorial on this section, but it's still under development. For now, let's skip it and move on...";
"tour_section_11_text_1" = "After registering, you will have the default theme installed as your appearance";
"tour_section_11_text_2" = "Some new users may be a bit intimidated by the current default theme, which reeks of quite antiquity";
"tour_section_11_text_3" = "<b>But no worries:</b> You can create your own theme for the site by reading the <a href='https://docs.openvk.uk/'>documentation</a> or choose an existing one from the catalog";
"tour_section_11_bottom_text_1" = "A catalog of themes is available under "My Settings", in the "Interface" tab;";
"tour_section_12_title_1" = "Profile and group backgrounds";
"tour_section_12_text_1" = "You can set two images as the background of your page";
"tour_section_12_text_2" = "They will be displayed on the sides of those who come to your page";
"tour_section_12_text_3" = "<b>Hint:</b> before setting the background, try to experiment with the layout: try to mirror the future background image, or even just create a nice gradient";
"tour_section_12_title_2" = "Avatars";
"tour_section_12_text_2_1" = "You can set the option to show the user's avatar: standard, rounded and square (1:1)";
"tour_section_12_text_2_2" = "These settings will only be visible to you";
"tour_section_12_title_3" = "Editing the left menu";
"tour_section_12_text_3_1" = "If necessary, you can hide unnecessary sections of the site";
"tour_section_12_text_3_2" = "<b>Remember: </b>The essential sections (My Page; My Friends; My Answers; My Settings) cannot be hidden";
"tour_section_12_title_4" = "View of posts";
"tour_section_12_text_4_1" = "If you're tired of the old wall design that was in the once-popular original VKontakte, you can always change the look of the posts to Microblog";
"tour_section_12_text_4_2" = "The view of the posts can be changed between the two options at any time";
"tour_section_12_text_4_3" = "<b>Note that</b> if you selected the old view of the posts, the latest comments will not be loaded";
"tour_section_12_bottom_text_2" = "Examples of pages with set backgrounds";
"tour_section_12_bottom_text_3" = "With this feature you can add more personality to your profile";
"tour_section_12_bottom_text_4" = "Old post view";
"tour_section_12_bottom_text_5" = "Microblog";
"tour_section_13_title_1" = "Promocodes";
"tour_section_13_text_1" = "OpenVK has a promo code system that aims to add some currency (rating percentages, votes, and so on)";
"tour_section_13_text_2" = "Such coupons are created for some significant events and holidays. Follow the <a href='https://t.me/openvk'>OpenVK Telegram channel</a>";
"tour_section_13_text_3" = "After activating a promocode, the currency set by the administrators will be transferred to you";
"tour_section_13_text_4" = "<b>Remember: </b>All promocodes have a limited activation period";
"tour_section_13_bottom_text_1" = "Promocodes consist of 24 digits and letters";
"tour_section_13_bottom_text_2" = "Successful activation (for example, we were credited with 100 votes)";
"tour_section_13_bottom_text_3" = "<b>Attention: </b>Once a promocode is activated on your page, the same promocode cannot be reactivated";
"tour_section_14_title_1" = "Mobile version";
"tour_section_14_text_1" = "At the moment there is no mobile web version of the site yet, but there is a mobile app for Android";
"tour_section_14_text_2" = "OpenVK Legacy is an OpenVK mobile app for retro Android devices with the design of the original VKontakte 3.0 app from 2013";
"tour_section_14_text_3" = "The minimum supported version is Android 2.1 Eclair, which means devices from the early 2010s will be quite useful";
"tour_section_14_title_2" = "Where can I download this?";
"tour_section_14_text_2_1" = "Release versions are downloaded through the official F-Droid repository";
"tour_section_14_text_2_2" = "If you are a beta tester, new versions of the app are posted to a separate update channel";
"tour_section_14_text_2_3" = "<b>Note: </b>The app may have various bugs and problems, if you encounter a mistake, please report it to the <a href='/app'>official app group</a>";
"tour_section_14_bottom_text_1" = "Screenshots";
"tour_section_14_bottom_text_2" = "This concludes the tour of the site. If you want to try our mobile app, create your own group here, invite your friends or find new ones, or just have some fun in general, you can do it right now with a small <a href='/reg'>registration</a>";